Wednesday, February 15, 2006

final resting place

On the corner of Earlham Road, right by the Grapes Hill bridge, there used to be a building. It was demolished over several weeks but I can't remember what was there before the construction company hoarding went up, advertising the retirement flats that are going to be built there. If you stand on the bridge and look down, you can see behind the hoarding - the computer-generated mansion block and the smiling elderly couples - down to the site itself, which for now is only levelled earth marked off into regular sections.

Crossing the bridge today, I passed an old couple who were leaning over to have a look. They were pointing a lot and getting quite excited. Perhaps they had put down a deposit on one of the flats and were trying to guess where their home would be but for a second there, looking down at the rectangles of roped-off earth, it looked like they were picking out burial plots.


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